~ ZEAL ~
2x AD (SV, USCA), BH, IGP1, 2x IGP2 (SV, FCI), IGP3,
SPR1, 5XZ1/P (kkl-FCI), LBZ (SV)
Zeal is the best friend one could ask for. He is relaxed and balanced, with super drive on training field. He likes people and other dogs, but he will not demand stranger's attention, which we love about him - typical for GSD. What he truly loves the most, is to be with us. He likes to do his own thing, while he keeps his eyes on us and then he comes over for cuddles. He is beautifully balanced in temperament and inner strength.
Zeal is ...
Grand-son to:
VA Zigo von Regina Pacis
Great-grand-son to:
2X World Sieger VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag
VA Salo vom Steigerhof
VA Excel Schreidon
VA Lara von Regina Paris
D.O.B.: 07-07-2019
Registration CZ: CMKU / DS / 117940 / 19
Registration AKC: DN 6947 1201
Microchip: 9530 1000 3729 335
Height: 64 cm
Chest: 32 cm
Hips/ Elbows OFA: Good (f. normal) / Normal (normal)
Hips/ Elbows FCI : B (f. normal) / 0/0 (normal)
Hips/ Elbows SV : a2 (f. normal) / a3 (still permitted)
LUW: 0
Both official OFA & FCI (FCI specialist MVDr. Milan Snail, CSc. in Czech Republic)
Hips /Elbows evaluations were completed and published on OFA database: here
Breed Survey: 5XZ1/P - 1.class (FCI)
Breed Survey: Lifetime
DNA: Gpr. (SV)
DNA: Completed (AKC)
Spermiogram results: mobility 99.89% (full report in gallery below)
Show titles; VP1, 2x SG1, SG2, V, V2, V1, V1, V4
Working Titles: 2x AD, 2x BH, IGP1, Spr1, 2x IGP2, IGP3
Grand-son to:
VA Zigo von Regina Pacis
Great-grand-son to:
2X World Sieger VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag
VA Salo vom Steigerhof
VA Excel Schreidon
VA Lara von Regina Paris
D.O.B.: 07-07-2019
Registration CZ: CMKU / DS / 117940 / 19
Registration AKC: DN 6947 1201
Microchip: 9530 1000 3729 335
Height: 64 cm
Chest: 32 cm
Hips/ Elbows OFA: Good (f. normal) / Normal (normal)
Hips/ Elbows FCI : B (f. normal) / 0/0 (normal)
Hips/ Elbows SV : a2 (f. normal) / a3 (still permitted)
LUW: 0
Both official OFA & FCI (FCI specialist MVDr. Milan Snail, CSc. in Czech Republic)
Hips /Elbows evaluations were completed and published on OFA database: here
Breed Survey: 5XZ1/P - 1.class (FCI)
Breed Survey: Lifetime
DNA: Gpr. (SV)
DNA: Completed (AKC)
Spermiogram results: mobility 99.89% (full report in gallery below)
Show titles; VP1, 2x SG1, SG2, V, V2, V1, V1, V4
Working Titles: 2x AD, 2x BH, IGP1, Spr1, 2x IGP2, IGP3
Zeal comes from lines of 2X World Sieger VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag as he is his grand-son.
Zeal comes from lines of 2X World Sieger VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag as he is his grand-son.
Design By: Pavan Naik
All Rights Reserved By @FCDS
All Rights Reserved By @FCDS
SHOW / Date |
Place |
Judge |
Place |
December 12th, 2019 |
South Central Regional Show, Texas, USA |
SV - Bern Weber |
VP 1 |
April 17nd, 2021 |
Saint Louis Association Schutzhund Club - MO, USA |
USCA - Heidi Theis |
SG 2 |
May 22th, 2021 |
South Central Regional Show Texas, USA |
USCA - Heidi Theis |
SG 1 |
June 19th, 2021 |
Regional show -Litomerice Czech Republic |
Ing. Iva Valachová |
SG 1 |
October 23rd, 2021 |
Regional show - Klabava Czech Republic |
- |
V |
October 28th, 2021 |
Regional Show - Zdice Czech Republic |
Ing. Karel Strouhal |
V2 |
April 30th, 2022 |
FWGSDC - Fort Worth, TX |
Torsten Kallanbach - SV |
V1 |
November 26th, 2022 |
Lone star Schutzhund club trial & show Texas, USA |
Daniele Strazzeri - SV |
V1 |
March 2nd, 2024 |
USCA South Central Regional Show Texas, USA |
SV - Edgar Pertl |
V4 |
TRIAL / Date |
Place |
Judge |
Title |
June 27th, 2020 |
Czech Republic |
- |
BH - pass |
September 11th, 2021 |
Czech Republic |
- |
IGP1 |
October 12th, 2021 |
Czech Republic |
- |
SPR1 |
October 24th, 2021 |
Czech Republic |
- |
Breed Survey (FCI) |
November 7th, 2021 |
Czech Republic |
- |
IGP2 |
December 18th, 2021 |
Dallas, TX |
Frank Phillips - USCA |
AD - pass |
April 2nd, 2022 |
Texas, USA |
Wendell Nope - SV |
IGP2 |
April 3rd, 2022 |
Texas, USA |
Wendell Nope - SV |
AD - pass |
November 26th, 2022 |
Texas, USA |
Daniele Strazzeri - SV |
BH - pass |
November 27th, 2022 |
Texas, USA |
Daniele Strazzeri - SV |
SV - Breed Survey - pronounced |
March 10th, 2023 |
Texas, USA |
Edgar Pertl - SV |
IGP3 |
March 3rd, 2024 |
Texas, USA |
Edgar Pertl - SV |
SV - Lifetime Breed Survey - pronounced |
Female |
Method |
Puppies |
March 3rd, 2022 |
V Nyu vom Eichenplatz, IGP1, kkl |
live |
4 (1f/ 4m) |
March 4th, 2022 |
V Besma vom Repetition, IGP2, kkl |
live |
8 (4f/ 4m) |
May 9th, 2022 |
SG Nesti z Hipolitowa, BH |
8 |
May 15th, 2022 |
SG Alena King Of Zion AD, BH |
live |
7m |
October 2nd, 2022 |
V Nyu vom Eichenplatz, IGP1, kkl |
live |
8 (6f/ 2m) |
October 3rd, 2022 |
SG Viera Best Of The Gods AD, BH |
live |
5 (3f / 2m) |
February 27th, 2023 |
V Besma vom Repetition, IGP2, kkl |
live |
9 (6f / 3m) |
December, 2023 |
SG Viera Best Of The Gods AD, BH |
live |
4m |
Zeal during trial achieving his IGP3 title:
Zeal (18 months)
Zeal (19 months)
Zeal's Gallery:
Zeal's Progeny: