All our puppy owners are welcomed to join us during training. We will guide you to sources to help you develop your puppy and to achieve your goals. If you are further away, we will gladly refer you to a local club and/ or provide you wiht guidance and tools to learn from.
IGP / Breed Survey Training
Fall 2021 Announcement: King Of Zion German Shepherds kennel has come to a decision, that starting 2022 - majority of all working titles, breed surveys and so on will be earned in USA. With exceptions, dogs’ full training and development will be brought “IN-HOUSE” at our kennel.
We are trainig at the DFW Working Dog Club in Dallas with Randall Hoadley, who has decades of experience and expertise. Randall's individual approach to our dogs and the style we train with, is a major key to our success. Till this point - our dogs were developed to entry level of obedience/ BH level + foundation of bite-work and tracking and/ or with them earning their further working and breeding titles in Europe … Czech or Germany. All titles will be earned under USCA or GSDCA here in United States. Lifetime breed surveys, IGPs, BH, etc … We are fully committed to our dogs and their development as we believe, work invested today - contributes to the future generations and our objective is to have the same amazing GSD 10-20 years down the road as we have today. No compromise. We have many goals and training like this demands weeks, months and endless hours of work. But here is the exciting part … We love our dogs and the deeper relationship building that is awaiting us thru the training in invaluable. We are so excited about this journey that will be full of growth and surely will bring much pain as well. There will be times when we will won’t to quit, and probably some frustration tears will be shed … … But … … at the end and thru the process - we will be rejoicing as well … … the new level of depth and understanding of this sport and GSD world … the sense of contribution to our kennel and confidence in our dogs and who they are as we cut no conners … We are … … 1 pack … 1 family … 1 heart We look forward to continuing partnership with our team and mentors. It would not be possible without them and we are certain that we will meet new amazing friends to learn from as well. It takes a village and much support from others, which we so very appreciate and value. |
DFW Working Dog Club field.
Show Training
There is much more to it than pretty dogs running in the ring ... So much more goes into it - weeks of preparation and training prior to every show we attend. We mostly train by ourselves on our own - we teach our dogs the stance, correct movement, how to pay attention and we help them to build confidence while presenting themselves.
At the show, the dogs are expected to present themselves, so their anatomy, movement, expression, etc. can be properly evaluated by a judge. Proper stand and proper movement, where the anatomy can be showcased - that is all very important. Rachel Rhodes and the Fort Worth German Shepherd Club are great partners to us. After we do our homework and due diligence, we train in collective setting with Rachel and other club members. It is truly a team effort and we appreciate the partnership. *** Lucie is available as a handler for other kennels at USCA and GSDCA shows. |
Club training and regional show.
Here we are in action at the USA 2021 USCA Sieger Show. Lucie also had the privilege to handle dogs for other kennels at the show.