On October 25th, 2024 we welcomed 5 healthy puppies.
3 males & 2 females.
3 males & 2 females.
Both parents were imported and both parents are amazing members of our kennel.
Luigi is a young male. and 1 week before he became father again, he became the National Sieger SG1 of open class at the National Sieger Show in Cleburne with German judges. He is 2.5 years old and is in IGP training to earn his working titles and breed survey during 2024/2025 winter. He has amazing striking masculine head and is medium-to- large male (64 cm/ standard male is 60-65cm). His temperament is loving, yet very protective. He has a very strong mind of his own, which is one of our favorite traits about him and his coat is beautifully long with unbelievable deep red pigmentations.
He is also multiple winner of his class as a young male under SV German judges.
Besma is a grand-daughter to one of our favorite long-coats of all times 9xVA Zitan vom Repetition and in 2022 she rank top 3 and top 5 on national level: USCA National Conformation Show V3 & USA Sieger V2, which was incredible accomplishment.
Besma's previous litters E, K
Luigi's previous litter R, S
More about parents here: LUIGI x BESMA
We are expecting medium to medium-large pups,
super temperament, beautiful rich long coats and correct anatomy
...and mostly ... for them to be loving and protective family members.
Luigi is a young male. and 1 week before he became father again, he became the National Sieger SG1 of open class at the National Sieger Show in Cleburne with German judges. He is 2.5 years old and is in IGP training to earn his working titles and breed survey during 2024/2025 winter. He has amazing striking masculine head and is medium-to- large male (64 cm/ standard male is 60-65cm). His temperament is loving, yet very protective. He has a very strong mind of his own, which is one of our favorite traits about him and his coat is beautifully long with unbelievable deep red pigmentations.
He is also multiple winner of his class as a young male under SV German judges.
Besma is a grand-daughter to one of our favorite long-coats of all times 9xVA Zitan vom Repetition and in 2022 she rank top 3 and top 5 on national level: USCA National Conformation Show V3 & USA Sieger V2, which was incredible accomplishment.
Besma's previous litters E, K
Luigi's previous litter R, S
More about parents here: LUIGI x BESMA
We are expecting medium to medium-large pups,
super temperament, beautiful rich long coats and correct anatomy
...and mostly ... for them to be loving and protective family members.
These puppies are/ have ...
6x VAs in first 3 generations/ 11x VAs in first 4 generations
Grand-children to:
VA Yumen vom Messina
Great grand-children to:
VA Figo on der Werther-Muhle
VA Zitan vom Repitition
VA Mel C vom Messina
VA Zenit di Casa Palomba
VA Cristal di Casa Massarelli
5-5 Arex von der Wilhelmswarte
6x VAs in first 3 generations/ 11x VAs in first 4 generations
Grand-children to:
VA Yumen vom Messina
Great grand-children to:
VA Figo on der Werther-Muhle
VA Zitan vom Repitition
VA Mel C vom Messina
VA Zenit di Casa Palomba
VA Cristal di Casa Massarelli
5-5 Arex von der Wilhelmswarte
6 1/2 weeks
5 weeks
11 days
6 1/2 weeks
5 weeks
11 days
6 1/2 weeks
5 weeks
11 days
6 1/2 weeks
5 weeks
11 days
6 1/2 weeks
5 weeks
11 days